Sunday, March 15, 2009

nospan nosleep!

i was having sore throat since monday and took this medicine Pogi bought from one of the pharmacy near our house.

it's called "NOSPAN".... 

the pharmacist told to take half to one tablet, 3 times a day. she even said that it could make you go to sleep.

i took half on tuesday night..... and i went to sleep.... YUP! I WAS SLEEPING ALRIGHT BUT MY MIND WAS STILL WORKING (SINGING)! DAMN!!!

so i decided not to take it on wednesday night and on thursday, Pogi scolded me for not taking my meds.... hmmm... i even gave him the reason that he didn't remind me, that's why i didn't take it! so since kena marah, i kena lar sambung makan again the meds.... 

but masalah problem nyer (cewah, dah lar masalah pastu problem plak!!! sama lar tu DOL!).... that NOSPAN makes my body hyper!!! there's always something that i want to do.... my brain kept telling me to do something.... really tak masuk akal. i'm supposed to sleep!!! 

i took it on thursday and friday and that means it's been 2 days straight i took the meds, and i didn't sleep well, i lost my voice (getting worst), i'm hyped but i'm tired... 

tonight, sorry ya, i want my sleep so i'm gonna say 'NO'SPAN for me tonight! IT's YESLEEP !!! arrrrrrrghhhhh....

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