It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Woke up smiling.
Yup, in 2016, i wana stay positive always. Even though tengah moody PMS ke hapa ke, ai want to be positive always. And PRETTY STRONG.
So, papehal pun kita snap dulu muka baru bangun tido kita... :P
Lepas dah snap gambar, tweet a bit, check messages, fb & whatsapp, kita pun makan my favourite breakfast.
Telur 3 suku masak & a cup of green tea.
Ini pulak kejadian masa hari Sabtu, 2 January 2016.
Aisyah Sofia punya 8 years old birthday.
Dia bengang je ngan abang2 and adik dia.
Dia nak tiup candles on the cake, tapi geng sumer sibuk layan youtube.
So i said, ignore them, smile, and blow the candles.
And back to Sunday, i went out with some frens, exploring Nu Sentral mall.
Pastu before balik, singgah Mahbub pekena roti naan cheese garlic & ayam tandoori.
Dah almost setengah tahun gak la tak makan roti naan.
Tetiba teringin.
It was marbeles marbeles!
4 January 2016
It's the 1st day of 2016 school term.
Left to right - Aisyah Sofia, Mikail Sumilang, Adli Muhaimin, Ashraf Hazique Samsul
Kyle ready to be prefect!
And become a guinea pig in the Dual Language Programme class in his school.
His school got selected to implement the DLP.
So now, subject Sains, Maths, a couple more will be taught in English.
Laila Elena Sumilang ready to go to school....
She's excited.
At her school.
While waiting for the rest of the students.
After taking this pic, i told her, i have to go to her abang's school to buy abang's school books, and told her i'll come back to pick her up when her schooltime finish.
She said, OK and wave bye bye.
I was anxious.
All the mixed feelings after leaving my girl in school.
Having second thought.
I should've stayed with my girl.
It's her 1st day.
I should be there.
But the teacher send me off.
Mommy doakan Laila dapat go through today sayang.
2 pm
My instinct was right.
Mother really knows.
She was crying all the time after i left.
Teresak esak dia.
But mommy managed to have small talks with her.
Lepas comforting her, she stopped crying and belasah 2 keping roti canai.
Lapar nau nau.
I was busy wrapping Kyle's text books.
Laila was sitting next to me and suddenly tears running down her cheeks.
Asked her why?
Katanya, dia tak mau pegi skool esok.
Comfort her again, talked and convinced her to go to school, then she's ok.
Tapi sampai ke malam, everytime cerita pasal school, dia menangis sedih.
Hai la anak, matilanak la mommy camni.
Be strong sayang.
It's only your 1st day in school.
I know you'll be ok.
Mommy always pray the best for both my anaks.
Even I'm not around you, Allah will always be with you sayang.
InshaAllah, you'll be fine.
On another note.....
it's page 4 of 266 today.