Sunday, September 21, 2014


ai suka melukis.
if someone tagged me about #20FactsAboutMe, melukis will be in one of the 20 facts.

Tapi, ai tak melukis for a longgggg time.

And i used to go to galeri seni in KL when i was young. Every painting i see, there's always a story behind it.

Kebanyakan orang bercerita melalui lirik lagu. Ada bercerita melalui tulisan novel. And i believe ada gak yang bercerita melalui sajak (tak sure plak still got or not in this modern days!)

So semalam, tetiba i saw my son's old exercise book on my table with a black pencil color. I took it, start doodling at 1st, tetiba, jadik gambar burung and bunga.

Ceritanya burung tu terbang and looking for honey. So the bird found it :)

And my second drawing, is inspired by Bruno Mars song Talking To The Moon.

So i did 2 sketches. Pasni tak tau la akan ada lagi or not. Kalau mood tu datang, tangan tu nk melukis, i will draw some more. Will definitely put up on my blog kalau ada lagi ya.


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